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Host / URL

The complete URL (protocol, host, port and path, for example https://as2.hostname.domain:443/Path/To/AS2Receiver) under which the partner's AS2 system can be reached. If no protocol(http or https) is specified, https is used automatically. The user name and password for simple HTTP authentication can also be used in the URL.


AS2 message settings



Enable compression of transmitted AS2 messages. Requires that the remote side supports at least AS2 version 1.1.


Content type

The content type of the AS2 message transmitted to the partner. Common here are, for example, application/edi-consent, application/edi-x12, application/edifact, or application/xml. This must be adapted if the partner requires a special content type for transmissions.


Content transfer encoding

The content encoding used for the transmission of the AS2 message. Binary, Base64 and 7Bit are possible. The other side must support the encoding used.



Here you can set any subject for the transmitted AS2 messages.


MDN settings


Request MDN

Method for requesting acknowledgements. Possible methods are Synchronous (the confirmation is returned directly as a response to the AS2 message transmission), Asynchronous (the confirmation is sent from the remote side via a separate connection to the URL stored under Settings / AS2 / AS2 Message Settings / Asynchronous MDN URL) or None (no confirmation is requested).